Who is Who Do You Know?

Who Do You Know is a collaboration and sharing between Candis Stevenson Cook and Ken Cook, and you. After 30+ years in sales, corporate life, coaching, and consulting, we’ve developed rich expertise in the intricacies of how and why business relationships work, or don’t work. 

Today, we’re all about sharing this knowledge with you. We know how to make business relationships effective; what makes them fail; and how to resurrect them.

We cover the gamut: how to manage, leverage, build,  refresh, and connect new business relationships.  You know what you want to accomplish in your business relationships; we focus on helping you figure out how to do these things.  So poke around, find something you can use — you’ll find interviews, stories, and how-to articles. 

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Build Relationships That Drive Business.


I'm an entrepreneur, author, and consultant. My mission is to explore all aspects of being a successful entrepreneur, and facilitate collaboration so we can all be better at what we do.
Leadership experience in computer industry and executive consulting. Expert in how to build and maintain effective business relationships. Loves cooking. Passionate golfer.